About Us

Meet Our Team

We are a passionate team of individuals committed to building a vibrant and inclusive community through YukiSora, our beloved Discord bot. We believe in the power of diverse voices, and we are dedicated to creating a platform where everyone feels welcome, valued, and heard.

Noah Elijah Till


Kevin Riechert


Anna Timm


Hanna Bohn


Karoline Fließ


Dominic MΓΌller


Our Values and Goals

  • diversity_3 To foster a community that is welcoming and inclusive to all, regardless of background, interests, or experience.
  • comment To facilitate open communication and dialogue, valuing each member's input in the development and improvement of YukiSora.
  • emoji_people To encourage creativity and sharing, providing a platform for members to express their love for anime, manga, and gaming through art, fan fiction, and other media.
  • public To grow and expand our community, building connections with anime, manga, and gaming enthusiasts worldwide.
  • calendar_month To create engaging events that foster camaraderie, collaboration, and fun among our community members.
  • verified To uphold high moral and ethical standards in all our interactions, treating every member with respect and dignity.
  • smart_toy To continuously improve and innovate, ensuring YukiSora remains a versatile tool that enhances every user's Discord experience.
  • handshake To foster transparency and trust by collaborating with our community members in all aspects of our operations.

Our Crown Jewels


Weebs Kingdom


Uniting anime, manga, gaming enthusiasts and more, Weebs Kingdom is a thriving hub that ignites passion for Japanese culture. Here's a glimpse into the facets that make up the Weebs Kingdom:

  • diversity_1 A melting pot of anime aficionados
  • group Engrossing conversations and immersive events
  • videogame_asset Thrilling gaming rounds and competitive tournaments
  • emoji_events Show-stopping cosplay exhibitions and contests
  • forum Showcasing creativity with art and fanfiction sharing


Yuki Sora


As an evolved Discord bot, Yuki Sora is crafted to elevate server experiences, offering server admins and members an assortment of features and utilities. Here's a snapshot of what Yuki Sora brings to the table:

  • music_note Premium quality music streaming
  • emoji_events Engaging interactive games
  • security Robust moderation utilities
  • settings Personalized experience with customization options
  • announcement Seamless announcement and event management including Twitch alerts
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